For the body:
8 oz plain goat cheese
For the wings:
8 oz 6 month Spanish manchego, sliced into rectangles
8 oz sharp white cheddar slices, sliced into 30 squares
12 peppered salami slices portioned into groups of 3 folded slices
6 - 8 Italian dry salami folded into two rosettes
8 - 10 1 red apple cut and styled into two apple hearts and slices portioned into two groups of 4 5
1 kiwi cut in half horizontally
4 blackberries
8 - 10 blueberries
8 - 10 ground cherries
4 watermelon cubes + 2 skinny rectangles
¼ cup Marcona Almonds
4 dried sweet oranges, sliced in half
4 sprigs fresh mint
For the antennae:
2 rectangular slices of watermelon
2 whole dried apricots and 1 cut in half
On the side:
10 - 12 fruit and nut crackers
2 oz raw unfiltered honey
Supplies Gorgeous white platter @williamssonoma
Step 1
Slice your sharp white cheddar slices into s squares and your manchego cheese into triangles.
Step 2
Place the goat cheese vertically in the center of the platter to look like the body of the butterfly
Step 3
Place the sliced sharp white cheddar slices in a circular pattern on both sides of the goat cheese to resemble the bottom half of the butterfly wings.
Step 4
Place the manchego slices in a circular pattern on both sides of the goat cheese to resemble the top half of the butterfly wings.
Step 5
Slice your apple into two apple hearts and place them in the two bottom quadrants of the butterfly wings. Slice the other two portions of the apple you cut off the core, fan them out slightly and place them in the top quadrants of the butterfly wings.
Step 6
Fold your salami into small salami rosettes by rolling 3-4 slices together and securing them on the board by tucking them in next to the goat cheese and apple heart.
Step 7
Slice your kiwi in half horizontally and place them on each side of the goat cheese.
Step 8
Fill in each wing with a blackberry, two blueberries, 3-4 ground cherries, the watermelon cubes.
Step 9
Add the marcona almonds and dried apricots.
Step 10
Place pretty sprigs of mint on your creation and take a pic!