Yankee Greens by jakewidmann

Jake Widmann




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Yankee Greens



1 hr 30 min

And what are “Yankee Greens” you might ask. Well, I grew up in central Wisconsin, and until I enlisted into the Army and got around some southerners I had never heard of greens before. I quickly realized how much better my life could’ve been if only I had grown up eating greens, because they’re delicious! So I whipped these up, and although I live in the south now, I’m originally from Wisconsin…a yankee state…of which I’m reminded about occasionally down here in the great state of South Carolina! And for those still in the north, or like me, who grew up there and have not yet tried some greens…here’s your ticket. Whip these up and have your life change ged for the better!

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4 servings




Picture for Yankee Greens

4 servings





4 - 5 bunches collard greens

1 lb bacon

5 cups water

2 tsp creole seasoning (@tonychacheres)

2 tsp garlic poweder

2 tsp red jalapeno powder (@burlapandbarrel)

2 tsp onion powder

6 cloves garlic, minced

1 medium yellow onion, diced

1 tbsp chicken bouillon

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar


Step 1

Start by cooking your bacon to desired doneness. Remove and set aside, leaving bacon grease in pot.

Step 2

Wash and clean your greens, then remove stems (optional), the chop roughly.

Step 3

Add water to the bacon grease and bring to a simmer. Add in garlic, onions, bacon, spices chicken bouillon, and apple cider vinegar. Cook until til onions are softened.

Step 4

Add in greens and stir until combined. Cover with a lid and cook until they’ve wilted down. Remove lid and stir again. Bring to a simmer and continue cooking until greens are fully cooked…45-60 minutes total.

Step 5

Serve and enjoy these darn good greens!

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