
4 lb pork belly
2 cup lard/Manteca/oil


corn tortillas


Step 1
Cut the pork belly into 1 inch chunks.
Step 2
To a large Dutch oven, set to medium heat & add the lard.
2 cup lard/Manteca/oil
Step 3
Once the lard is hot, add in the pork belly cubes and cook while mixing every couple of minutes for 30-45 minutes. This initial step in the cooking process will help almost fully cook the pork belly.
Step 4
After the initial cook, remove about half of the pork belly, set aside, and raise the heat to medium high. We are going to fry the pork belly completely now to get it golden brown and crispy all over. For anywhere from 7-15 minutes, depending on how crispy you want it.
Step 5
After is crisp enough, take it out, immediately salt it & continue frying the remaining pork belly.
Step 6
Serve as tacos with corn tortillas, salsa, guacamole, onion, cilantro & lime juice.