How to Achieve The Perfect Medium Rare Steak by clintyur






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How to Achieve The Perfect Medium Rare Steak



15 min

I know this may seem like a difficult and intimidating task to tackle, but I promise you it's not. Once you do it 2-3 times, you can do it perfectly every time. It's just takes a little practice and confidence.(This recipe is for a 1 inch thick steak)

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Picture for How to Achieve The Perfect Medium Rare Steak





NY Strip

2 cloves of Garlic



½ Half a Stick of Butter



½ Half of a Shallot


Cast Iron Skillet

Cooking Tongs


Step 1

The first step to this is the most important step. It's so crucial that you heavily salt the steak and let it rest on a wire rack in the fridge for at least a minimum of 30 minutes. If you can let it rest for 8 hours that's perfect, but if not, 30 minutes is just right.

Step 2

After 30 min-8 hours is up, pull the steak out of the fridge and let it come up to room temperature.

Step 3

While that's rising to room temperature. Start to prep your Rosemary, Thyme, Garlic, and Shallot. Cut one shallot in half and save the other half for something else. Smash two cloves of garlic and peel those. Put two sprigs each of rosemary and thyme to the side too.

Step 4

Once your steak is up to room temperature, pat it dry with a paper towel. The whole point of heavily salting the steak is to draw out as much moisture out of the steak before we sear it. Salt draws moisture out of most meats and vegetables. Once it's nice and dry, get a skillet on the stove and get it ripping hot!(medium high heat)

Step 5

Once your skillet is literally smoking, put the steak in the skillet fat cap side down. You want to render this fat out first. Let this go until the fat cap is rendered and cooked(2-4) min. This process should yield enough oil to cook the steak in, if it didn't, just add a little bit of Graza Olive Oil.

Step 6

Flip the steak to the first side when the fat cap is done. Let this sear and do it's thing for 2-3 minutes, then flip it.

Step 7

Soon as you flip the steak, turn the heat to medium heat, and add a quarter stick of butter, half of the shallot, thyme, rosemary, and the garlic cloves. Let the butter melt, and start to baste the steak on the first side for 2-3 minutes. Flip and repeat the same process.

Step 8

When that's done, pull the steak out of the skillet, and let it rest on a wire rack. Check the internal temperature if you have a meat thermometer. It should read 130 degrees.

Step 9

Let it rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing across the grain.

Step 10


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