Paella a la peruana [Peruvian Paella] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini




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Peruvian Paella



30 min

Peruvian rice in a paella pan! IT'S NOT A PAELLA! I clarify this to avoid confusion, it's a Peruvian rice inspired by Spanish cuisine as we are in Andalusia, we accompany it with Ventresca de atun de almadraba (blue fin tuna), the best in the world. Long live inclusion both inside and outside the kitchen. Open mind to discover and enjoy new flavors.

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4 servings




Picture for Paella a la peruana [Peruvian Paella]

4 servings






Para la paella

50 ml aceite de oliva

100 g cebolla roja picada

40 g ajo picado

100 g tomate rallado

40 g aji panca

200 g arroz arboreo

600 ml caldo de mariscos

Para la chalaquita

90 g cebolla roja picada

30 g aji limo picado

10 g culantro picado

sal al gusto

pimienta al gusto

aceite de oliva al gusto

Para el atun

600 g ventresca de atun

sal al gusto

aceite de oliva

limon jugo y ralladura


For the paella

50 ml olive oil

100 g chopped red onion

40 g chopped garlic

100 g grated tomato

40 g panca chili

200 g arboreal rice

600 ml seafood broth

For the chalaquita

90 g chopped red onion

30 g chopped limo chili

10 g chopped coriander

salt to taste

pepper to taste

olive oil to taste

For the tuna

600 g tuna belly

salt to taste

olive oil

lemon juice and zest



Step 1

En una paellera, sarten u olla agregar un chorro de aceite de oliva junto con la cebolla y ajo, sazonar con sal y pimienta. Cocinamos por 5 minutos

Step 2

Agregamos aji mirasol, aji panca, el arroz y cocinamos por 4 minutos. Agregamos el caldo de marisco y cocinamos por 15 minutos a fuego lento

Step 3

Para la chalaquita: Agregar todos los ingredientes a un bol, mezclar y reservar

Step 4

Para el atun: En una plancha bien caliente agregar el atun previamente sazonado con sal y pimienta, cocinar 3 minutos por lado y agregar jugo y ralladura de limon

Step 5

Cortar la tuna y servir encima del arroz, terminar con jugo de limon y un chorro de aceite de oliva


Step 1

In a paella pan, skillet or pot, add a drizzle of olive oil along with the onion and garlic, season with salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes

Step 2

Add mirasol chili, panca chili, the rice and cook for 4 minutes. Add the seafood broth and cook for 15 minutes on low heat

Step 3

For the chalaquita: Add all the ingredients to a bowl, mix and set aside

Step 4

For the tuna: On a hot grill, add the tuna previously seasoned with salt and pepper, cook for 3 minutes on each side and add lemon juice and zest

Step 5

Cut the tuna and serve on top of the rice, finish with lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil

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