milanesa rellena [stuffed milanesa] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini




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stuffed milanesa



45 min

Take your breaded steak to the next level and surprise everyone at home, my secret for making it super crispy is the ready-to-prepare mix from Aji-no-mix®️ and the cilantro mayonnaise with grandma's secret. So delicious!

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2 servings




Picture for milanesa rellena [stuffed milanesa]

2 servings






Para la milanesa rellena:

2 filetes de pechuga de pollo

200 g queso mozarella

200 g jamon de pavo

10 g mostaza americana

sal al gusto

pimienta al gusto

400 g Panko

2 huevos batidos

aceite para freir

Para la mayonesa de culantro:

2 huevos

5 g mostaza

5 g aji amarillo o jalapeno

30 g cebolla

20 g ajo

300 ml aceite de oliva

30 ml jugo de limon

20 g culantro

sal al gusto

pimienta negra al gusto

ajinomoto ( opcional)

Para los camotes:

500 g camotes

sal al gusto

30 ml aceite de oliva

5 g paprika


For the stuffed breaded chicken:

2 chicken breast fillets

200 g mozzarella cheese

200 g turkey ham

10 g American mustard

salt to taste

pepper to taste

400 g Panko breadcrumbs

2 beaten eggs

oil for frying

For the cilantro mayonnaise:

2 eggs

5 g mustard

5 g yellow chili or jalapeno

30 g onion

20 g garlic

300 ml olive oil

30 ml lemon juice

20 g cilantro

salt to taste

black pepper to taste

ajinomoto (optional)

For the sweet potatoes:

500 g sweet potatoes

salt to taste

30 ml olive oil

5 g paprika



Step 1

Para la milanesa: filetear las pechugas de pollo y sazonar con sal, pimienta y mostaza, agrega el queso y el jamon y cubrir como si fuera un sanguche. Envolver con plastico y llevar al freezer por 1- 3 horas. Pasado el tiempo pasar por panko, huevo batido y nuevamente panko. Freir a fuego medio hasta que la milanesa este completamente cocida y crocante por fuera.

Step 2

Para la mayonesa de culantro: Agregar todos los ingredientes a un recipiente menos el aceite, licuar por 20 segundos, luego agregar el aceite en forma de hilo hasta formar una salsa emulsioanda. Reservar.

Step 3

Para los camotes fritos: Cortar el camote en forma regular como papas fritas, luego agregarlas a un bol y sazonar con sal, paprika y aceite. Mandar al airfrier por 25 min a 350F o hasta que esten cocidos y crispy


Step 1

For the milanesa: Slice the chicken breasts and season with salt, pepper, and mustard, add the cheese and ham and cover as if it were a sandwich. Wrap in plastic and put in the freezer for 1-3 hours. After this time, coat with panko, beaten egg, and panko again. Fry over medium heat until the milanesa is fully cooked and crispy on the outside.

Step 2

For the cilantro mayonnaise: Add all the ingredients to a container except the oil, blend for 20 seconds, then add the oil in a thin stream until a emulsified sauce is formed. Set aside.

Step 3

For the fried sweet potatoes: Cut the sweet potato in a regular shape like french fries, then add them to a bowl and season with salt, paprika, and oil. Send to the air fryer for 25 min at 350F or until they are cooked and crispy.

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