Lomo Saltado Burrito [Lomo Saltado Burrito] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini




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Lomo Saltado Burrito



45 min

What happens when you combine 2 of the most popular dishes from brotherly countries? The result is undoubtedly extraordinary. Lomo saltado burrito? Why not? The kitchen allows us to be inclusive and celebrate the union of cultures. You can use this burrito dough for tacos, wraps, and even to make pizza, super simple and versatile. We work the dough for a few minutes until it is smooth and soft, divide it into 5 and let it rest for 30 minutes covered with a cloth. Thank you, Mexico, for leaving us this gastronomic cultural heritage, not only is your food incredible but your people are wonderful! Happy 5th of May, my beautiful people.

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4 servings




Picture for Lomo Saltado Burrito [Lomo Saltado Burrito]

4 servings






For the Para la masa

1 ½ taza de harina sin preparar

½ taza agua tibia

50 ml aceite de oliva extra virgen

3 g sal

3 g polvo de hornear

for the Para el lomo saltado

180 g tu carne favorita ( corte suave)

cebolla roja en juliana mediana

½ tomate en gajos

10 g aji amarillo en juliana

5 g culantro picado

50 g salsa de soya

35 g vinagre rojo

10 ml agua con maicena

Sal, pimienta, comino

Papas fritas, arroz cocido


1 ½ cup of unprepared flour

½ cup warm water

50 ml extra virgin olive oil

3 g salt

3 g baking powder

180 g your favorite meat (soft cut)

medium red onion, julienned

½ tomato, cut into wedges

10 g yellow chili, julienned

5 g chopped cilantro

50 g soy sauce

35 g red vinegar

10 ml water with cornstarch

Salt, pepper, cumin

Fried potatoes, cooked rice



Step 1

For the Para la masa

½ taza agua tibia

3 g polvo de hornear

50 ml aceite de oliva extra virgen

3 g sal

Step 1

Para la masa para burrito, debemos agregar 1. 5 tazas de harina, 3 g de polvo de hornear, sal, ½ taza de agua y 45 ml de aceite de oliva. Amasar por 5 minutos.

Step 2

Dividimos la masa en 5 trozos y dejamos reposar tapada con un trapo por 30 minutos antes de estirar.

Step 3

Estirar la masa hasta que esté casi translúcida.

Step 4

For the Para el lomo saltado

3 g sal

180 g tu carne favorita ( corte suave)

Step 1

Tomar carne de preferencia cuarta en trozos y agregar sal, comino y pimienta negra.

Step 2

En una sartén bien caliente agregar la carne y doramos a fuego fuerte.

Step 3

Anadimos a la sarten cebolla, aji amarillo, tomate, sal y pimienta y salteamos por 3 minutos ants de agregar vinagre rojo, salsa de soya el caldo de la carne y agua con maicena junto con culantro.

cebolla roja en juliana mediana

10 g aji amarillo en juliana

½ tomate en gajos

Sal, pimienta, comino

5 g culantro picado

10 ml agua con maicena

50 g salsa de soya

35 g vinagre rojo

Step 4

En una sartén ponemos a cocinar a fuego medio las tortillas por 2 minutos a cada lado

Step 5

Servir con papas fritas y arroz cocido.

Papas fritas, arroz cocido


Step 1

- For the burrito dough, we need to add 1.5 cups of flour, 3 g of baking powder, salt, ½ cup of water and 45 ml of olive oil. Knead for 5 minutes.

1 ½ cup of unprepared flour

½ cup warm water

3 g baking powder

50 ml extra virgin olive oil

3 g salt

Step 2

We divide the dough into 5 pieces and let it rest covered with a cloth for 30 minutes before rolling out.

Step 3

Roll out the dough until it is almost translucent.

Step 4

Take your preferred meat in pieces and add salt, cumin and black pepper.

3 g salt

180 g your favorite meat (soft cut)

Step 5

In a very hot pan, add the meat and brown it over high heat.

Step 6

Add onion, yellow pepper, tomato, salt and pepper to the pan and sauté for 3 minutes before adding red vinegar, soy sauce, the meat broth and water with cornstarch along with cilantro.

medium red onion, julienned

10 g yellow chili, julienned

½ tomato, cut into wedges

Salt, pepper, cumin

5 g chopped cilantro

10 ml water with cornstarch

50 g soy sauce

35 g red vinegar

Step 7

In a pan, cook the tortillas over medium heat for 2 minutes on each side.

Step 8

Serve with french fries and cooked rice.

Fried potatoes, cooked rice

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