chaufa amazonico [Amazonian fried rice] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini



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Mi Cuenta



Amazonian fried rice



2 hr

One of the things I love most about our cuisine is that one dish can be enjoyed in three different regions of Peru in different ways. Each region offers a range of unique products, this chaufa with Mishkina, charapita chili, cecina, regional sausage, fried ripe plantain, and pork lard has become one of my favorites! The regional sausage cecina is from my friend Harold

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6 servings




Picture for chaufa amazonico [Amazonian fried rice]

6 servings






200 g cecina en cubos

100 g chorizo regional en cubos

50 ml manteca de cerdo

150 ml platano maduro en cubos

1 aji charapita

2 huevos

50 g cebolla blanca picada

30 g ajo picado

30 g cebolla china parte blanca picada

30 g kion picado

30 g mishkina

500 g arroz de ayer

80 ml salsa de soya

40 g cebolla china parte verde picada


200 g cubed cecina (dried meat)

100 g regional chorizo in cubes

50 ml pork lard

150 ml ripe banana in cubes

1 charapita chili

2 eggs

50 g chopped white onion

30 g chopped garlic

30 g chopped white part of green onion

30 g chopped ginger

30 g mishkina (a type of herb)

500 g day old rice

80 ml soy sauce

40 g chopped green part of green onion



Step 1

En un wok : agregar la manteca de cerdo y dorar el chorizo y la cecina junto con el aji charapita, en el mismo wok dorar los platanos y reservar. Luego. Agregar un chorrito mas de manteca y agregar la cebolla, ajo, cebolla y kion picado, la mishkina y cocinar por unos segundos.

Step 2

Agregar el arroz, mezclar todos los sabores, mojar con la salsa de soya, hacer un hueco en el medio y freir 2 huevos, mezclar con el arroz y agregar cebolla china parte verde.

Step 3

Servir con platanos fritos, huevo frito y charapita amazonica.


Step 1

In a wok: add the pork lard and brown the chorizo and cecina along with the charapita chili, in the same wok brown the bananas and set aside. Then, add a little more lard and add the onion, garlic, onion and chopped kion, the mishkina and cook for a few seconds.

Step 2

Add the rice, mix all the flavors, moisten with the soy sauce, make a hole in the middle and fry 2 eggs, mix with the rice and add green part of the spring onion.

Step 3

Serve with fried bananas, fried egg and Amazonian charapita.

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