Ceviche de Pollo [Chicken Ceviche] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini



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Chicken Ceviche



30 min

Chicken Ceviche Why is it called chicken ceviche if it's a stew? Perhaps because of the similarity of the ingredients that Ceviche has, onion, lemon juice, chili peppers, sweet potato. If someone for the first time tells you let's eat chicken ceviche and you've never tried it before, you might imagine raw chicken with lemon juice haha, you will love this version! I hope you dare to prepare this recipe and let me know in the comments why you think this dish is called chicken ceviche, it's great !!!

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4 servings




Picture for Ceviche de Pollo [Chicken Ceviche]

4 servings






Para el ceviche de pollo

2 piernas de pollo

2 alas de pollo

2 muslos de pollo

100 g cebolla picada

40 g ajo en pasta

100 g pasta de aji amarillo

sal al gusto

100 ml aceite de oliva

pimienta al gusto

comino al gusto

150 ml cerveza rubia

250 ml caldo de pollo

5 jugo de limones


For the chicken ceviche

2 chicken legs

2 chicken wings

2 chicken thighs

100 g chopped onion

40 g garlic paste

100 g yellow chili paste

salt to taste

100 ml olive oil

pepper to taste

cumin to taste

150 ml blonde beer

250 ml chicken broth

5 lemon juice



Step 1

Sazonar el pollo con sal, pimienta y comino, sellar en un sarten con un chorro de aceite. Dorar bien y reservar

Step 2

en la misma sarten sudar el ajo y la cebolla picada, sazonar con sal, pimienta y comino. Agregar la pasta de. aji amarillo y cocinar por 5 minutos, agregar. Agregar la cerveza, el jugo de limon.

Step 3

Regresar las presas de pollo e incorporar el caldo de pollo. Tapar y cocinar por 30 min a fuego lento.


Step 1

Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and cumin, sear in a pan with a drizzle of oil. Brown well and set aside.

Step 2

In the same pan, sweat the garlic and chopped onion, season with salt, pepper, and cumin. Add the yellow chili paste and cook for 5 minutes. Add the beer and lemon juice.

Step 3

Return the chicken pieces and incorporate the chicken broth. Cover and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.

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