Alitas de pollo Orientales [Oriental Chicken Wings] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini



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Mi Cuenta



Oriental Chicken Wings



45 min

My favorite part of the chicken is the wings, they are really my weakness. I don't eat them often but when I crave them, I accompany them with a good sauce, this time I decided to make them with oriental notes. Use this recipe as a reference and feel free to remove or increase the ingredients you want, give it your own personality, you can add Chinese cinnamon, ginger, rice vinegar or whatever you fancy. This simple but delicious sauce will surprise you, but be careful because it's addictive. The spiciness of the yellow chili with the umami of the soy sauce and the brown sugar gives a semi-sweet flavor, perfectly balancing the flavors. I like to accompany it with white rice, enjoy.

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4 servings




Picture for Alitas de pollo Orientales [Oriental Chicken Wings]

4 servings






500 g alas de pollo

10 g aji amarillo picado

25 g ajo picado

40 ml aceite

30 ml jugo de limon

30 g azucar morena

100 ml salsa de soya

5 g maicena o chuño diluido en agua fria

5 g culantro picado

1 g Semillas de ajonjolí

Sal, pimienta y cebolla en polvo al gusto


500 g chicken wings

10 g chopped yellow chili

25 g chopped garlic

40 ml oil

30 ml lemon juice

30 g brown sugar

100 ml soy sauce

5 g cornstarch or chuño diluted in cold water

5 g chopped cilantro

1 g Sesame seeds

Salt, pepper and onion powder to taste



Step 1

Añadir las alitas en un recipiente junto a un poco de sal, pimienta, cebolla en polvo y masajear para incorporar los ingredientes.

500 g alas de pollo

Sal, pimienta y cebolla en polvo al gusto

Step 2

Pones las alitas al horno o en la Air fryer a 360 F durante 45 minutos.

500 g alas de pollo

Step 3

En una sartén agregamos un poco de aceite y agregamos ajo picado finamente, culantro, ají amarillo, salsa de soya, jugo de limón, azucar morena, y maicena con agua.

10 g aji amarillo picado

25 g ajo picado

40 ml aceite

100 ml salsa de soya

30 g azucar morena

30 ml jugo de limon

5 g maicena o chuño diluido en agua fria

5 g culantro picado

Step 4

Una vez listas las alitas, vertemos la salsa en ellas y agregamos semillas de ajonjolí y cilantro.

1 g Semillas de ajonjolí

Step 5

Listas para servir acompañadas de arrocito blanco.


Step 1

Add the wings to a container along with a little salt, pepper, onion powder and massage to incorporate the ingredients.

500 g chicken wings

Salt, pepper and onion powder to taste

Step 2

Put the wings in the oven or in the Air fryer at 360 F for 45 minutes.

500 g chicken wings

Step 3

In a pan, add a little oil and finely chopped garlic, coriander, yellow chili, soy sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar, and cornstarch with water.

10 g chopped yellow chili

25 g chopped garlic

40 ml oil

100 ml soy sauce

30 g brown sugar

30 ml lemon juice

5 g cornstarch or chuño diluted in cold water

5 g chopped cilantro

Step 4

Once the wings are ready, pour the sauce on them and add sesame seeds and cilantro.

1 g Sesame seeds

Step 5

Ready to serve accompanied by white rice.

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