Queso Paneer
Aceite Vegetal para Freir
For the Salsa Guayaba Sriracha
200 gr Dulce de Guayaba
¼ Taza Agua Caliente
2 Cdas Sriracha
Paneer Cheese
Vegetable Oil for Frying
For the Guava Sriracha Sauce
200 gr Guava Paste
¼ cup Hot Water
2 tbsp Sriracha
Step 1
Corta el queso en bastones y frie en abundante aceite.
Step 2
Para la salsa licua todos los ingredientes y sirve.
200 gr Dulce de Guayaba
¼ Taza Agua Caliente
2 Cdas Sriracha
Step 1
Cut the cheese into sticks and fry in plenty of oil.
Step 2
The sauce, blend all the ingredients and serve.
200 gr Guava Paste
¼ cup Hot Water
2 tbsp Sriracha